Monday, January 14, 2013

One of the Wonders of Ireland

 Yesterday marked my first official travel experience in Ireland. I went to the Cliffs of Moher with the International Student Society through NUI. It was absolutely breathtaking! One of my roommates said that she told her Irish friend that she was visiting the cliffs and the Irish girl responded, "Eh, its just a bunch of rocks..." 
A sign reminding the spectators
that you CAN fall off
To someone who has never seen them before, the view was breathtaking! There was a moment when I was standing on the path, kind of in the middle of where the two taking paths on either side of the cliffs meet, taking it all in and I was reminded of how huge the world actually is. Since arriving in Dublin almost two weeks ago now (oh my gosh, has it really been that long??) I keep having these little moments of "Oh yeah, I'm in a different country " When you start to get into a daily routine, sometimes its easy to forget that you're half way around the world. Standing at the cliffs, seeing the water crash against the rocks, the birds swooping in and out of the strong winds, the sunshine illuminating the surrounding grass, making it almost glow, I remembered: I'm in Ireland :) and what a blessing that I can experience this!
I took so many pictures of this place... more on Facebook
if you want to look!
Cobber shoutout: This is what it means to be responsibly engaged in the world. To realize and appreciate the natural wonders of the world and have the ambition to seek it out! I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to experience things like the Cliffs of Moher and many other things in the semester to come.

The narrow path to the far end of the Cliffs
Last night when we got back (all of my roommates went on the same trip that day) the internet in our apartment complex was down... big shocker... It was amusing to me to see how flustered the all got about it. I was sitting on the couch, listening to my iPod and journaling about the day, and my three roommates were frantically trying to think of places where they could get internet access. Within forty minutes, I was the only one left in the apartment. One roommate went to her friends apartment (halfway across town, she took the bus) and the other two walked to Subway to use the free wifi. I stayed at home, finished my book and watched a movie. I would say that I'm proud that I could wait to post pictures on facebook and blog about my trip, but I really don't think its something I have to be proud of, I just think it's kind of sad that we freak out when we don't have out electronics. Oh well, to each his own!

We also stopped at Dunguaire Castle on the way back
from the Cliffs. Only the tall part was lived in, the rest of
the walled part just covers the courtyard... seemed like
a small castle to me :P
I think I might be getting sick. I have the sniffles today and a tad bit of a sore throat. Maybe Ireland is in the middle of a flu season of its own, but just simply colds. I was in the library earlier doing some reading and every couple seconds there would be a sniffle echoed by a cough, followed by another sniffle and so on. Time to pump the vitamin c and get more sleep. No complaint there :)

Thanks for reading!

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